Gallery of Past Projects

Credit Union National Headquarters Expansion   

Madison, Wisconsin, 1984

This building expansion was an addition to the 20 acre national headquarters for the CUNA financial institution. As project designer, James Scott was responsible for the building design, site design and community review process. The project included office and common space and a 200 car underground parking area with a terraced surface design treatment.

Bridge Design   

Kansas City, Missouri, 1992-1994

As design architect for two bridges in Kansas City, Missouri, Jim Scott provided community review services and coordination with bridge engineers. The Rockwell Lane Bridge (1992) was a part of the Country Club Plaza Brush Creek project and responded to architectural context requirements of the eclectic district. A second bridge, the 63rd Street Bridge (1994), was a late addition to a large scale park master plan and responded to historical design influences in Swope Park.


Ward Parkway Landscape Master Plan 

Kansas City, Missouri, 1989

This landscape master plan provided the first cohesive redirection for one of Kansas City’s most recognized residential boulevards within the historic Parks and Boulevard System. The master plan prepared by James Scott organized the linear park aspects of the boulevard into a series of precincts with place identity and landmark site features, including new planting areas and fountains. Historic restoration of memorial plantings, reconstruction of lost landscapes and establishment of new sub-parks were all undertaken in the 25 year plan. To date, approximately a quarter of the plan has been implemented.


Kansas City, Missouri Housing Policy

This policy plan was based on the political mandate provided by the Mayor to redirect the Kansas City, Missouri housing policy. Providing analysis and community facilitation, Jim Scott prepared a study of peer city policies, identified critical issues with civic leaders and wrote a policy draft for implementation by the Housing and Community Development Department.

Community Development Project Administration Manual

As a part of the not for profit development model, Jim Scott prepared this 100 page development manual to guide the community development plans for a large Kansas City, Missouri Community Development Corporation. The model included describing the process, providing clear directives, worksheets and references for users. A professional training course was developed to implement the model.

Neighborhood Plans

James Scott has undertaken over 25 neighborhood plans in Kansas City, Missouri, Kansas City, Kansas, St. Louis, Missouri, and Fresno, California. The process for planning in each community included active community participation in planning workshops, exploration of public policy options, definition of targeted community development projects and capacity building and resource development findings.